Computer graphics from Jodi Carter, 9 years old, called “Lucy”
Computer graphics from Jodi Carter, 9 years old, called “Lucy”
ContinueComputer graphics from Alyssa, 10 years old, called “God Bless the USA”
ContinuePencil sketch from Katie Cole, 12 years old, called “Cross and Rose”
ContinueComputer graphics from Alexis, Canada, 6 years old, called “Portrait”
ContinueComputer graphics from Kelsi, Canada, 9 years old, called “Portrait”
ContinueComputer graphics from Cody Verssen, Las Vegas, USA, 5 years old, called “Me and My Dog Penny”
ContinueComputer graphics from Ricky Verssen, Las Vegas, USA, 9 years old, called “Surfing on a Hot Day”
ContinuePencil drawing from Molly Tesdall, 9 years old, called “Pony”
ContinueComputer graphics from Arturo Alejandro García Ávila, Mexico, 7 years old, called “Alejandro”
ContinuePencil drawing from Mia Milosevic, Montenegro, Yugoslovia, 6 years old, called “Wedding”